1. Submit all calendar listing requests to the Calendar & Omnibus Chair.
2. Once forms have been completed and payment has been received, calendar listings can take 7-10 business days to post. Therefore, please leave plenty of lead time between submitting a listing request and the date of the event (or the event closing date).
3. Payment in full is required prior to posting. Pricing is $30 per show plus $25 per page in our online omnibus prize list flip-book. Our preferred method of payment is PayPal. A PayPal account is not required. An email with a link will be sent to the organizer. Simply, click the link and pay with a credit or debit card.
4. Organizers who have purchased (and have paid for) a show prize list page in the Omnibus during the current competition year are entitled to post in the calendar a total of four additional calendar listings per purchased Omnibus page at no additional charge. Listings may include clinics, schooling days, fix-a-tests, lectures, and demonstrations. These listings must be of interest to equestrians and must take place at the organizer’s location.
5. To list an event that is not a competition and also does not meet the criteria detailed in #4 above, please submit your request to the Calendar & Omnibus Chair who will submit it to the Board for approval. In submitting a request, always keep in mind the lead time required for processing, payment and posting to the calendar (see #2 and #3 above). Events that are approved by the Board will incur a fee of $10 per date.
6. Non-members may submit requests for calendar listings to the Calendar & Omnibus Chair who will submit it to the Board for approval. Acceptable topics and time constraints remain the same as detailed above. Events that are approved by the Board will incur a fee of $30 each.
7. Representatives of educational organizations may request non-competition calendar listings. Examples of educational organizations include Rutgers, Pony Clubs, other CTAs/GMOs, USDF/USEA/USEF, etc. These requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis. But, once approved by the Board, these listings will be free of charge.
8. Any ESDCTA member may submit suggestions to the Calendar & Omnibus Chair for listings they believe are of value. These requests will be handled by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
Note: The calendar is used periodically for marketing purposes by sending it as an email to members, to anyone subscribed to our mailing list, and/or to other organizations and websites.