Horse Park of New Jersey, 626 Rte 524, Allentown NJ 08501
Cross Country Schooling
NOTE FOR JULY 1 SCHOOLING: Starter jumps will be delayed in getting put out for the Cross Country Schooling tomorrow. If you're planning on jumping Starter jumps, you'll want to delay coming out until mid morning (10-10:30). We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
June 2, 2023 Friday
July 1, 2023 Saturday
Course open 9 am to 2:30 pm.
Please do not arrive before 8:30.
Online registration for June 2 opens on Tuesday, May 30.
Levels: Open X-C Schooling – Starter (2'3"), Beginner Novice (2’7”), Novice (2’11”), Training (3’3”) and Preliminary (3’7”).
You can pay via cash, check or credit card.
Please check back for any last minute updates!
- We are accepting online entries with payment using a credit card so that you only have to do a brief check-in when you arrive on site. If the event should be canceled or if you can’t attend, you will receive a full refund. You can upload your completed, signed XC Schooling Entry Form, and your current Coggins test.
- Links to online registration, pay via credit card, and upload your signed forms are posted above!
- Please complete ESDCTA XC Schooling Form prior to coming to the check-in desk.
- If you have a plastic bib pinney holder, please bring it. Numbers will be provided.
- Check back the day before the schooling after 8pm for any last-minute updates!
Pre Entries (online only) are accepted, as well as post entries. Links are listed above for each schooling. a) For post entries, use ESDCTA XC Schooling Form on the Forms page. b) Cost per class: ESDCTA members $65; Non-members $80. This fee includes the Horse Park’s “trailer-in fee.” c) Make checks payable to ESDCTA. Refund policy: None. d) Coggins within 12 months required. e) $10 discount for additional horse(s) only when both are only ridden by the same rider. f) Non Jumping Horses $35. g) $25 returned check fee.
Starting Times
Course open as listed above.
Volunteers are needed to help staff each event. Contact Gary Maholic to help. Volunteer bucks can be earned for helping for the day and can be used at a future schooling, as per ESDCTA Volunteer bucks rules, or hours can be applied toward Champs or Year End awards!
Other Information
a) MUST HAVE UNMOUNTED GROUND PERSON AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD. b) Helmets and vests are required. c) EMT on grounds. d) Check (Headline News) to determine if schooling is cancelled due to poor weather. Decision will be made by 8 pm the day before. e) Up to $40 in ESDCTA volunteer bucks can be used so come volunteer at an ESDCTA event and school XC at a reduced rate!