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Why Join ESDCTA?

By joining ESDCTA, you’ll become part of one of the largest dressage and eventing organizations in the country! When you join ESDCTA, you become a member of two groups at once. You’ll be joining a dynamic local dressage and eventing club and at the same time, you’ll automatically become a group member of our national dressage organization, the United States Dressage Federation. A portion of your ESDCTA membership fee is sent to USDF for your USDF Group Membership, enabling you to immediately enjoy the many benefits of both organizations.

USDF Group Membership includes:

  • Monthly USDF Connections magazine
  • The USDF Education Library, an online continuing education program
  • Eligibility to participate in an extensive USDF Rider Year-End Awards program
  • Fulfills the USDF membership requirement to participate in USDF-recognized competitions
  • Eligible for member discounts at USDF events, the USDF store and with USDF Member Perks Partners
  • Eligible to participate in the USDF “L” Education program
  • Eligible for The Dressage Foundation educational grants

A full list of benefits can be found here.

ESDCTA member benefits are equally impressive including:

  • The right to participate in our members-only joint dressage and eventing year-end championship show
  • Eligible to participate in our extensive Year End Awards program offering Dressage awards from Intro to Grand Prix, Pas de Deux and Quadrille. We also offer a Dressage Medals program at the Bronze, Silver and Gold level which represents cumulative growth and achievement over the years.
  • Eligible to participate in our extensive Year End Awards program offering awards in Combined Tests and Eventing, Starter through Advanced.
  • You can take advantage of our Educational Grants program to help fund your ongoing equestrian education.
  • You are eligible to apply to ride on club-sponsored teams that compete throughout the area.
  • You’ll be able to enjoy the members registration discounts at ESDCTA sponsored events.
  • You receive our Collective Remarks newsletter that will keep you up to date with club activities, emailed monthly to all members.
  • Professionals can list themselves in our Trainers Directory of the website and enjoy free online advertising for your business.
  • Business members will receive online advertising in the Resource Directory.
  • Members can post their personal ads on our Classified Ads section of the website.

We hope you’ll join and support ESDCTA. We need your participation in order to continue our current activities and benefits and to expand to offer new ones.

Becoming a member has never been easier! Take advantage of our new online membership page, pay by credit card, update your member profile and print out your membership card in a matter of minutes.

Click below to review the membership levels and join ESDCTA. There will surely be a membership category that supplies the benefits you’re looking for.

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