Celebrating our Year-End Award Winners’Accomplishments
for our 2019 Competition Year
Sunday, February 23, 2020
at Copper Hill Country Club • Ringoes, NJ
From 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Our Annual Awards Banquets will be held again in February. A luncheon in the afternoon is an affordable way to get together for this celebration and still allow everyone to drive home in daylight. This February date allows everyone time to recover from the hustle/bustle of the holidays.
Please join this celebration as ESDCTA Year End Awards, ribbons, special awards and medals are presented to our well deserving winners, both juniors, seniors, and masters, for both dressage and eventing. Please set aside Sunday, February 23, 2020, on your calendars and plan to join this celebration of our members’ accomplishments at this annual festive affair. We will have a delicious buffet this year and a wonderful afternoon is being planned by the committee.
Please help us further by donating items and/or services for our silent auction. Our Annual Awards Banquet Committee and the Grant Committee, with the help of our recent grant recipients, will put this fabulous silent auction together and have many desirable items available. Please also purchase raffle tickets if possible during the afternoon.
This year’s Luncheon will once again be held at the Copper Hill Country Club. The doors will open at 1:30 PM. There will be time to view the Silent Auction Items and meet and greet friends and award winners.
Tickets will be limited to the first 175 who send in their reservations. Tables can also be set aside for groups who wish to sit together. Just make a note on the form below. There will also be a cash bar available for those attending.
Please make your reservation by February 12th.
Please send your completed registration form {coming soon} and your check (made payable to ESDCTA, Inc.) to:
Debra Tomajko
276 Readington Road
Branchburg NJ 08876
276 Readington Road
Branchburg NJ 08876
Email: debratomajko @gmail.com
908-392-1774 (text please)