USDF Region 1 Youth Dressage Team Challenge
Show dates: June 21-22, 2025
Rosemont Farm, Spotsylvania Courthouse VA
Event website and rules
Qualifying period: August 15, 2024 to April 15, 2025
The team competition is open to anyone age 25 and under, riding from Introductory Level through the FEI levels as well as in WDAA Western Dressage. Riders do not need to be a USDF member to participate. The format consists of a Dressage Team Competition for Riders 25 & Under, Dressage Seat Equitation Championships, a NEW 2024 Freestyle Face-Off and a stall decorating contest!
Teams are placed in divisions by age/riding level. Team results are awarded by Division. Individual High Score Champion and Reserve for each Division are recognized. Riders may also enter warm-up, dressage seat equitation, and freestyle classes. In addition the show is offering prix caprilli, lead line and Jr sport horse handler classes. Read more below on what to expect!
What can I expect at the Region 1 Youth Team Challenge?
- Entry/Stabling fees are approximately $215, excluding optional classes.
- Riders travel and arrive on Friday after 12:00 pm and can school until 7:00pm.
- Riders will ride 1 team test on Saturday and 1 team test on Sunday.
- Additional classes are available and will be filled in the order of registration. Options include the Dressage Seat Equitation Championship, Musical Freestyle Face-Off, Prix Caprilli (dressage test with jumps), and a Junior Handler Class.
- The Musical Freestyle Face-Off will take place Saturday at the end of the day and will be followed by a pizza party for riders.
- Mounted team awards ceremony with honor rounds. Teams may wear costumes, show attire, or team uniforms.
- Scores from this show will count towards ESDCTA Year End Awards.
- There is a stall decorating competition and stable management awards.
- Show typically ends by 5:00pm on Sunday.
Dressage4Kids Youth Dressage Festival (YDF)
Show dates: August 8-10, 2025
Horse Park of NJ, Allentown, NJ
Event website
Qualifying period: To be announced
This is the flagship event of Dressage4Kids, Inc. Instituted in 1999, the festival offers individual and team competition for riders from ages 4 through 25. Division championships feature a three-phased competition: a written test, an individual dressage test, and an equitation ride. Divisions offered are Introductory through Fourth, FEI Pony, Junior and Young Rider and Para Equestrian. Riders may also assemble teams and vie for the Kross Creek Farm Team Championships in honor of Margarita Serrell. Classes for Leadline (riders aged 4 to 8), Prix Caprilli (dressage ride incorporating jumps), Dressage Trail and Musical Freestyle are offered, as are other competitive and fun activities. Read more below on what to expect!
What can I expect at Lendon’s Youth Dressage Festival? (Based on previous years…)
- Entry/Stabling fees are approximately $380, excluding additional classes.
- Riders travel and arrive on Thursday and are able to school until the office closes.
- Friday is a schooling show. Each entry includes 1 schooling show test.
- There is a written test based on required reading, which is published on their website. This is part of your individual division score.
- Saturday is the division dressage test. There will be two judges, one at C that scores your dressage movements, and one at E that scores your equitation.
- Written test, Dressage test, and Equitation score will be added together to earn a final score for your division. You will be placed individually in your division.
- There is a Parade of Teams and usually a demonstration ride.
- Dressage Seat Equitation, Dressage Trail and Prix Caprilli, Musical Freestyle. Sport Horse conformation, Junior Handler classes are available.
- Awards take place on Sunday. They are unmounted, but riders appear in show attire.
- There is a stall decorating competition and stable management awards. There are many different breed awards and other special awards.
- Show typically ends mid-afternoon on Sunday.