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Eventing Year End Awards Rules

Year End Award Applications are due by November 15th of the Competition Year!

The following information is for Combined Test High Score Awards, Horse Trial High Score Awards, Combined Test Achievement Awards, and Eventing Achievement Awards:

  • Age for riders for year end awards – Youth through their 21st year, Senior from then on.
  • Competition year runs from November 1st through October 31st.
  • You must have been an ESDCTA member in good standing at the time your scores were earned and when you apply for an Eventing Year-End Award.
  • Scores earned at USEA or ESDCTA registered events may be used toward Eventing Year-End Awards. USEA registered events are published in the USEA Omnibus. ESDCTA registered events are published in the ESDCTA Omnibus or the ESDCTA newsletter.
  • Applications for Eventing Year-End Awards must be received by the Awards Chairperson as listed in the newsletter postmarked no later than November 15th. Applications postmarked after November 15th will not be accepted and will be returned.
  • Awards will be presented at the ESDCTA Annual Awards Banquet. Applications may also be submitted through email to
  • Questions regarding ambiguity of rules must be brought to the attention of the Board Members by July 1st of the current show year to allow the Board time to discuss the situation.

Combined Test Achievement Awards and Eventing Achievement Awards

  • Four (4) volunteer hours are required per award.
  • Combined Test Achievement Awards are awarded to a competitor who has earned one score of 40% or lower at Pre-Starter through Preliminary.
  • Eventing Achievement Awards are awarded to a competitor who has earned one score of 40% or lower at Starter through Advanced.
  • Note: Combined Test High Score Award recipients earning champion through eighth place are not eligible for an Achievement Award for the same horse/rider/level combination in the same year. If a competitor has submitted scores for a Combined Test High Score Award and did not place in the top eight places, the competitor will automatically receive a Combined Test Achievement Award, and does not need to submit additional scores.
  • Note: Horse Trial High Score Award recipients earning champion through eighth place are not eligible for an Achievement Award for the same horse/rider/level combination in the same year. If a competitor has submitted scores for a Horse Trial High Score Award and did not place in the top eight places, the competitor will automatically receive an Eventing Achievement Award, and does not need to submit additional scores.

Horse and Rider Eligibility for Combined Test/ Horse Trial High Score Awards

  • Eight (8) volunteer hours are required per award.
  • The same horse and rider combination must be maintained to apply for an Eventing Year-End Award in either the Combined Test category or the Horse Trial category.
  • The same horse and rider combination must complete three (3) horse trials or three (3) combined tests at the level for which they are applying for an Eventing Year-End Award.
  • The three horse trials or three combined tests must have been ridden within the current show year.
  • Once a horse and rider combination has won a First Place Eventing Year-End Award in either category (Horse Trials or Combined Tests), that combination of horse and rider may not apply for an award in that category at the same level the following year, but may apply after a lapse of one year.

How High Score Award Winners are Calculated

  • Awards are determined by the median score – please submit your best 3 scores only.
  • Applicants must complete a minimum of three (3) horse trials or three (3) combined tests at the same level.
  • If there are six (6) or more applicants for a level, the level will be divided by Junior and Senior.
  • Ties will not be broken.

How to Submit a Year End Awards Application

  • Complete an Eventing Score Record Form (See Forms page).
    • Personal information
    • ESDCTA number
    • Award category – Combined Test High Score Award, Horse Trials High Score Award, Combined Test Achievement Award
    • Check whether Jr/YR or Sr
    • Amateurs – indicate if you are also applying for a Masters Recognition Award (no extra volunteer hours or work required to apply for this)
    • Level for which you are applying:
      • Combined Test High Score Awards are offered from Pre-Starter through Preliminary
      • Horse Trials High Score Awards are offered from Starter through Advanced
      • Combined Test Achievement Awards are offered from Pre-Starter through Preliminary
      • Starter level must be 2’3″ fences with a W/T/C dressage test (some places call that level different things and this is consistent with what USEA classifies as starter)
      • Pre-Starter includes any jump height lower than the defined starter division (i.e. cross rails through 2′ are included in pre-starter)
  • List required number of scores
  • One form per horse and rider combination
  • Include volunteer hours form(s) (see Forms page) indicating a minimum of eight (8) hours of volunteer time for Combined Test High Score Awards and Horse Trials High Score Awards. Include a volunteer form indicating a minimum of four (4) hours of volunteer time for Combined Test Achievement Awards. These forms are proof that your volunteer hours were completed. Additionally, volunteer hours are transferable from person to person and can be earned by people who are not ESDCTA members and transferred to an ESDCTA member for Year End awards. If you cannot complete your Year-End Awards volunteer requirements, we offer a volunteer hour buy-out program for $10/hour. Click here for Buyout info. For more information on volunteer requires for Year End Awards, please visit our Volunteer Requirements for Year-End Awards page.
  • Include a copy of the dressage test for each score you are using toward an Eventing Year-End Award. Copy to include the following information:
    • Name and date of show
    • Rider and horse name
    • Dressage score plus penalties and final score
  • If you have misplaced a dressage test, it is your responsibility to obtain from the show secretary written confirmation that you did, in fact, ride in that event
    • This written confirmation must include: show name, date, rider name, horse name, level ridden, dressage test ridden, judge for your dressage test, dressage score and final score
    • This written confirmation must also include the show secretary’s name and phone number or email address
    • If you cannot obtain this written confirmation, the score may not be used on your year-end award submission
    • A printout from the USEA indicating final score is also acceptable only if other information is not available
  • You may email ( or mail your award submissions
  • Each award submission is to have complete photocopies required attached
  • Use only one form per horse and rider combination
  • Do not send “signature required” if using Fed Ex, UPS Overnight, or Express Mail. Check the box on form “NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED”, or use regular or priority mail.

Direct all questions and completed applications to the Awards Chairperson, or email