The New Jersey Equine Advisory Board is a special organization created to guide horse breeding and development programs for the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.
What is the NJ Equine Advisory Board?
Why was it formed?
It was formed in 1961 to provide a voice, relative to State equine-related programs, for New Jersey’s horse industry.
How is the board associated with the NJ Department of Agriculture?
It is a unit of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture with its membership ratified by the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture and its programs administered by the Department of Agriculture.
Who serves on the board?
Volunteers representing 30 equine-related associations serve on the board. An employee of the Department of Agriculture serves as secretary.
How does an association become a member of the board?
An association becomes a member by meeting certain requirements. Each association belonging to the Board is authorized a delegate and alternate who are chosen by the association. In addition, four Delegates at Large are authorized plus the immediate past chairman. Rutgers University, New Jersey Farm Bureau, and the New Jersey Racing Commission are ex-officio members. There is also representation from the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture.
What is the main function of the board?
The main function of the board is to advise the Secretary of Agriculture and the State Board of Agriculture on equine matters and to promote the breeding and development of horses in New Jersey. It is done in a variety of ways including breeder awards seminars, horse shows, and the development of the 178 acre Horse Park of New Jersey. While the Secretary and the State Board of Agriculture value the members’ opinions highly, it is advisory only. Motions made by the Equine Board serve as recommendations to the State Board and do not become official until approved by this body.
Where does the money for the board's programs come from?
A small percentage of the money bet at the state’s racetracks is appropriated to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture for this purpose.
If you have a question that is not answered here, please call 609-292-2888 or write to New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Markets and Development, Equine Programs, P.O. BOX 330, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY, 08625. The fax number is 609-984-2508.
Equine Advisory Board Member Organizations
Agricultural Fairs Association of New Jersey
American Saddlebred Horse Association of New Jersey
Arabian Horse Society of New Jersey
Eastern States Dressage and Combined Training Association
4-H Horse Clubs
Garden State Appaloosa Association
Garden State Horseshoers Association
Garden State Horse and Carriage Society
Garden State Paint Horse Club
Gladstone Equestrian Association
Horseback Riding for the Handicapped of New Jersey
Morgan Horse Association of New Jersey
Rutgers Equine Science Center
New Jersey Farm Bureau
New Jersey Half Arabian Association
New Jersey Horse Council
New Jersey Palomino Exhibitors Association
New Jersey Pinto Horse Association
New Jersey Pony Breeders and Owners Association
New Jersey Professional Horseman’s Association
New Jersey Quarter Horse Association
New Jersey Region Pony Club
New Jersey Thoroughbred Horseman’s Association
New Jersey Association of Equine Practitioners
Standardbred Breeder and Owners Association of New Jersey
Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization of New Jersey
Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey
United States Equestrian Team
NJ Equine Advisory Board News
Below are news items from NJ Equine Advisory Board (NJEAB) meetings that might be of interest to our membership. Click on any item for more details.